April 16, 2023

Vandalism case in the memorial complex in the village of Sopot, Kumanovo region

incidents committed due to ethnicity

What happened: Media reported about a vandalism case in the memorial complex in the village of Sopot, Kumanovo region. As reported, during the previous couple of nights, unknown perpetrator(s) broke the board of the complex built in honor of the fallen Albanian martyrs during the massacre committed on November 4, 1944. The Chairman of the Organizational Council of this memorial complex, Shukri Masurica, stated that this constitutes an act of vandalism against a memorial object and strongly condemned the act. He appealed to the responsible authorities to investigate the case.

Brief description of the incident with bias indicators: In this incident, the bias motive is the ethnic origin, with the bias indicators being:

  1. Ethnicity – Supposed different ethnic origin of the perpetrators
  2. Location – memorial complex built in honor of the fallen Albanian martyrs
  3. Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in the country and the cohabitation among the different ethnic and linguistic groups in society.

Location Name
Memorial complex built in honor of the fallen Albanian martyrs in the village of Sopot, Kumanovo region

Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
No information
Type of incident?
Destruction of property Destruction of symbols
Vandalism case in the memorial complex in the village of Sopot, Kumanovo region image