February 27, 2013

Juvenile beaten and cut with a knife

Diskriminimi racor ose tjetër
Incident për shkak të përkatësisë fetare ose besimit fetar


K.S. (47) from Skopje reported that last night around 18:00 hours on Panche Nedelkovski Street, his 13 year old son was physically attacked by three unknown persons.

The boy was attacked with fists and kicks on his face and body, and at one point one of the faces pulled out a knife and swung it. From the attack, the juvenile received a cut on the forehead and cheeks, as well as swellings in the head and body area and was given medical assistance in the City General Hospital "St. Naum Ohridski ".

Measures are taken to find the perpetrators and to clear the case.


Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)
Emri i Vendit
Panche Nedelkovski Street

Numri i kryerësve
Statusi i çështjes
Perpetrators identified
Juvenile beaten and cut with a knife image