June 10, 2014

Two Albanian boys beaten in Gjorche Petrov (verified)

Causing national, racial or religious hate, discord or intolerance
incidents committed due to ethnicity

What happened: Two boys were attacked with stones by an unknown group of perpetrators. The
perpetrators were chanting anti-Albanian slurs.

Date, time and location of the incident: June 10th, Gjorche Petrov, Skopje.
Source of information: National electronic media almakos.com (alb).
Victim(s) involved: Two young Albanian boys who suffered visible injuries.
Type of the crime(s): Severe Bodily Harm Art. 131 CCRM, Violence (Art.386), Endangerment of safety
Perpetrator(s): Unknown number of perpetrator/s, presumably of Macedonian ethnic origin.
Brief description of incident with bias indicators: The bias motive in this incident is ethnic origin,
citizenship or language, and the bias indicators in this incident are:
1. Victim/Witness perception – From the statements made for the media, it can easily be derived that the
victims perceive the incident as bias motivated.
2. Comments – during the attack, the perpetrators were yelling anti-Albanian slurs.
2. Difference between victim and perpetrator on ethnic grounds.
4. Nature of violence – the incident was carried out in public.
5. Lack of other motives.

Status of the case: Criminal charges pressed.
Response of local authorities: The Ministry of Interior stated via Answer upon a Request for
information of public character sent by the Committee that twenty-seven people were arrested in relation with “the events in Gjorche Petrov”, and that criminal charges were brought up against a
large number of them, for the acts of Participation in a mob that will prevent an official in performing
official duty (Art.384), Violence (Art. 386), Grand theft (Art.236), Endangerment with a dangerous
mean during a fight or argument (Art.133 CCRM), and Participation in a mob that will commit a crime
(Art.385). But, in its reply, the Ministry most likely refers to the previous incidents in this municipality,
and not in relation with the one the Committee requested information about. Also, there has been
no answer as to the fact that indicates to the possible motive of the crime.
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This type of incidents brings into question the general
security situation in the country and the cohabitation between the different ethnic communities in
the society.

Gjorche Petrov, Skopje
Location Name
Gjorche Petrov, Skopje

Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
Under investigation
Type of incident?
Serious threat Bodily injury Cold weapon attack Physical attack (assault) Violence
Incident location
How did the police react?
They investigated the incident
Have there been similar incidents / crimes in the same location?
Two Albanian boys beaten in Gjorche Petrov (verified) image

Criminal offences

Against Life and Body
Severe Bodily Injury
Against Freedoms and Rights
Criminal threatening
Against the Public Order
Against the State
Causing national, racial or religious hate, discord and intolerance


Nationality Ethnic origin