June 14, 2022

The flag of the Russian Federation in the Russian Consulate in Bitola was taken down

Causing national, racial or religious hate, discord or intolerance

What happened: On 14.06.2022 in 4:50 pm SIA Bitola received a report from an employee in the Russian Consulate in Bitola that the Russian flag that was raised on the Consulate’s building on Marshal Tito Street in Bitola.

Brief description of the incident with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is the nationality considering that the flag was took down from an unknown individual in time of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with the bias indicators being:

  1. Time of the incident – the incident happened in time of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine
  2. Nationality – taking down the flag of another country
  3. Location – the incident took place in the Russian Consulate in Bitola

Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in the country and the cohabitation among different nationalities, ethnic and linguistic groups in the society.

Marshal Tito Street in Bitola – the Russian Consulate in Bitola
Location Name
Russian Consulate in Bitola

Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
No information
Type of incident?
Destruction of property
The flag of the Russian Federation in the Russian Consulate in Bitola was taken down image