What happened: Two groups of girl students (Macedonians and Albanians) from Skopje high school
„Marija Kiri Sklodovska“ got into a fight during their gym class. According to one of the Macedonian
students, the Professor, who is Albanian, hit one of the Macedonian girls.
Date, time and location of the incident: September 26th, 14:00hrs, Skopje high school “Marija Kiri
Source of information: Local electronic media plusinfo.mk.
Victim(s) involved: Two groups of female students, one Macedonian, and one Albanian.
Type of the crime(s): Participation in a Fight (Art.132), Violence (Art.386).
Perpetrator(s): Two groups of female students, one Macedonian, one Albanian, and one high school
professor (Albanian).
Brief description of incident with bias indicators: The bias motive in this incident is ethnic origin,
citizenship or language, and the bias indicators in this incident are:
1. Difference between perpetrator and victim on ethnicity – the ethnicity of the groups that got into a fight
differs. Also, the Professor is Albanian, while the girl he hit is Macedonian.
2. Nature of violence – the incident was carried out in public, during gym class.
3. Lack of other motives.
Status of the case: Unknown.
Response of local authorities: The MOI answered on the Request for information sent by the
Committee that don’t have any information in relation to this incident.
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This type of incidents brings into question the general security
situation in the country and the cohabitation between the different ethnic communities in the society.