May 17, 2020

Criminal charges against an individual from the village of Tuin for spreading racial and xenophobic material over the internet

Incident due to ethnical belonging, citizenship or language

What happened: The External Office for Criminal Affairs, Kicevo, pressed criminal charges against B.А. (30) from the village of Tuin, Kicevo, on reasonable grounds that he committed the criminal offences “Abuse of Personal Information” and “Spreading Racial and Xenophobic Material via an Information System”. On 17.05.2020, the reported posted photographs of two police officers on Facebook without their consent, with a comment that incited hatred.

Brief description of the incident with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is ethnic origin, with the bias indicators being:

  1. Ethnic origin – the victims and perpetrator belonged to a different ethnic community;
  2. Pattern of previous incidents

Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in the country and the cohabitation among different ethnic groups in society.

Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
Criminal charges against an individual from the village of Tuin for spreading racial and xenophobic material over the internet image