What happened: A third-year student in the “Lazar Tanev” Secodary School in Skopje was physically
attacked by his classmates at the entrance of the Secondary School. After the incident, the boy was
transferred to the Clinical Center by an ambulance, where he was given medical assistance.
Date, time and location of the incident: 17 February, around 13:40, at the “Lazar Tanev” Secondary
Source of information: Electronic Medium Reporter.mk
Victim(s) involved: One minor
Type of the crime(s): Violence (Article 386, CC), Participation in a Fight (Article 132, CC), Bodily injury
(Article 130, CC).
Perpetrator(s): A group of 4 persons, three of whom were minors and one was an adult
Brief description of the incident with bias indicators: In this incident, the bias motive ethnicity,
nationality or language and the bias indicators are:
1. Assumed difference in ethnicity – due to the different ethnic origin of students in the aforementioned
school, it is possible that the ethnicity of the perpetrators is different from the ethnicity of the victim;
2. Nature of the violence – it was a public incident.
Status of the case: Filed request for initiation of a misdemeanour procedure.
Response of Local Authorities: In MOI’s response to the Committee’s request for public information
regarding this incident, it is stated that SIA Skopje fi led a request for initiation of a misdemeanour
procedure with the Primary Court Skopje 1 Skopje – Misdemeanour Department on 01.03.2016.
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This incident calls into question the ethnic coexistence
between the two largest communities in the country.