What happened: in the period from 11.12.2016 to 13.12.2916, on “Kozle-1” Street, in the premises of
a political party, an unknown perpetrator broke a window. According to media information, measures
were being taken for fi nding the perpetrator and resolving the incident.
Date, time and location of the incident: from 11.12.2016 to 13.12.2016, political party headquarters
in the municipality of Kozle.
Source of information: TV Sitel.
Victim(s) involved: Aside from the material damage, there were no victims of this incident.
Type of the crime(s): Damage to objects of others (Article 243, CC), Causing hatred, discord or
intolerance on national, racial, religious and other discriminatory ground (Article 319, CC).
Perpetrator(s): Unknown.
Brief description of the incident with bias indicators: In this incident, the bias motive is political
affi liation and the bias indicators are:
1. Target location – the target location is the headquarters of a political party;
2. Pattern of previous incidents – this incident is the latest in the growing trend of damaging
headquarters of political parties during the pre-election period.
Status of the case: Under investigation.
Response of Local Authorities: In MOI’s response to the Committee’s request for public information
regarding this incident, it is stated that the person who reported the incident was informed that
the crime “Damage to objects of others” is prosecuted as a private lawsuit and a report should be
submitted to the nearest police station. The person was contacted several times by police offi cers
from PS Karposh.
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This incident calls into question the political stability of
the country in general.