September 15, 2015

Two boys beaten in front of high school in Gostivar (unverified)

incidents committed due to ethnicity
Violence against minors

What happened: A group of approx. 10 unknown perpetrators assaulted a 16 y/o boy in front of
“ZivkoBrajkovski” high school in Gostivar. A 22 y/o male tried to interfere and defend the victim, but
the assailants assaulted him as well. The 16 y/o had minor, and the 22 y/o had major injuries.

Date, time and location of the incident: September 15th, 21:00hrs, in front of “ZivkoBrajkovski” high
school in Gostivar.
Source of information: The media Telma.
Victim(s) involved: Two young people, one of which is minor.
Type of the crime(s): Violence (Art.386 CCRM), Bodily harm (Art.130 CCRM), Heavily bodily harm
(Art.131 CCRM).
Perpetrator(s): Unknown group of approx. 10 young people.
Brief description of incident with bias indicators: In this incident, the bias motive is the ethnic origin,
citizenship or language, and the bias indicators are:
1. Presumed difference in ethnic background – the incident occurred in an area populated by people
with mixed ethnic composition;
2. Nature of violence – the incident was carried out in public;
3. Lack of other motives.

Status of the case: Misdemeanor charges pressed.
Response of local authorities: Answering upon a Request for information of public character, the
Ministry of Interior Affairs (MOI) answered that they have pressed misdemeanor charges against three
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This incident puts into question the ethnic coexistence
between the two major communities in the country.

ZivkoBrajkovski” high school in Gostivar
Location Name
ZivkoBrajkovski” high school in Gostivar

Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
Under investigation
Type of incident?
Serious threat Bodily injury Physical attack (assault) Violence
Incident location
How did the police react?
They investigated the incident
Have there been similar incidents / crimes in the same location?
Two boys beaten in front of high school in Gostivar (unverified) image

Criminal offences

Against Life and Body
Bodily Injury
Against Freedoms and Rights
Criminal threatening
Against the Public Order


Nationality Ethnic origin