What happened: The vehicle of a known member and activist of the SDSM was set on fi re.
Date, time and location of the incident: April 16th, 02:30 hrs. MihajloAndonovski Street, Bitola.
Source of information: National TV media Telma.
Victim(s) involved: Except the material damage, there were no direct victims in this incident.
Type of the crime(s): Damaging of other’s property (Art. 243 CCRM), Causing generic danger (Art.288
Perpetrator(s): Unknown.
Brief description of incident with bias indicators: In this incident, the bias motive is the political
affi liation and political persuasion, and the bias indicator is:
1. Victim perception – according to a statement given for the media, the victim perceives this incident
as bias motivated;
2. Nature of violence – the incident was carried out in public;
3. Lack of other motives.
Status of the case: Under investigation.
Response of local authorities: Answering upon a Request for information of public character, the
Ministry of Interior Affairs (MOI) answered that they are taking the necessary measures for clarifi cation
of the incident.
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This type of incidents brings into question the general
political stability in the country.