December 24, 2014

Demolishing of branch office of DUI in Chair (unverified)

Incident due to political affiliation or political belief

What happened: Unknown perpetrators demolished the local branch office of DUI in Skopje
municipality of Chair.

Date, time and location of the incident: December 24th, municipality of Chair, Skopje.
Source of information: National electronic media (Albanian edition).
Victim(s) involved: Except the material damage, there were no direct victims in this incident.
Type of the crime(s): Damaging of other’s property Art. 243 CCRM.
Perpetrator(s): Unknown.
Brief description of incident with bias indicators: The bias motive in this incident is political affiliation
and political persuasion, and the bias indicators in this incident are:
1. Location – the target is a place of political significance to the targeted group.
2. Lack of other motives.

Status of the case: Under investigation.
Response of local authorities: To the moment of writing of this report, the Police haven’t answered
the Request for information of public character that was sent by the Committee in relation to this
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This type of incidents brings into question the general
political situation in the country and the cohabitation between the different groups in the society.

municipality of Chair
Location Name
branch office of DUI

Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
No information
Type of incident?
Destruction of property Violence
Incident location
Other public location
Have there been similar incidents / crimes in the same location?
Demolishing of branch office of DUI in Chair (unverified) image

Criminal offences

Against Property
Damage of property
Against the Public Order


Political affiliation