What happened: On 26 January 2019, around 3:40 p.m., it was reported that at the sports hall of the High
School Zef Lush Marku, located on Lazar Trpkovski Street in Skopje, K.N. (34) and G.N. (44), both from Shtip,
were physically attacked by several individuals during a wrestling competition. Measures are being taken to
solve the case.
Date, time and place of incident: 26.01.2019, around 3:40 p.m., sports hall of the high school Zef Lush
Marku in Skopje.
Source of information: MOI’s daily newsletter.
Victim(s) involved: Two victims.
Type of crime(s): Violence (Article 386, CC of RNM).
Perpetrator(s): Several perpetrators.
Brief description of the event with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is ethnicity, with the bias indicators being:
1. Ethnicity and affiliation with a fan club – the victims and attackers belonged to different ethnic
2. Location – the incident occurred during a sports match.
Status of the case: Unknown.
Response of the local authorities: The match organizer was issued a misdemeanor pay order pursuant to
Article 15-a, paragraph 1, punishable pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 7 from the Law on Prevention of
Violence and Indecent Behaviour during Sports Events.
Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in
the country and the co-existence among different ethnic groups in society.