What happened: On 27.08.2019, at 02:55 a.m., at SEI Skopje, J.H. (22) from Skopje reported that he was
physically assaulted by three individuals on Maksut Sadik Street. Measures are being taken to solve the case.
Date, time and place of incident: 27.08.2019, 02:55 a.m., Skopje.
Source of information: MOI’s daily newsletter, opserver.mk, emagazin.mk, centar.mk.
Victim(s) involved: One victim.
Type of crime(s): Violence (Article 386 from CC of RNM).
Perpetrator(s): Three unidentified perpetrators.
Brief description of the event with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is ethnicity, with the bias
indicators being:
1. Ethnicity – the victim and perpetrators belonged to a different ethnic community;
2. Location – the even occurred at a location populated by diverse ethnic population;
3. Other motives are lacking.
Status of case: Unknown.
Response of the local authorities: The police is working on solving the case.
Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in
the country and the co-existence among different ethnic groups in society.