July 21, 2018

17-year-old youth stabbed in a bus, he was a member of the Komiti supporter group

Incident due to ethnical belonging, citizenship or language
Violence against minors

What happened:On 21.07.2018, around 23:15 h, on city bus no. 22 which transits from Centar to Volkovo, in
the vicinity of the Policlinic Gjorche Petrov, a verbal argument between two groups grew into a fight, whereby
one of the participants got hurt by a knife. The injured is a minor (age 17). Two people were detained in the
precinct. There is information on the social media that the assaulted youth was a member of the supporters’
group of the Vardar Football Club – Komiti, and the two attackers were members of the supporters’ group
Shverceri of FC Shkupi from Chair. The police is taking measures to solve the case.

Date, time and location of the incident: On 21.07.2018, around 23:15 h, city bus no. 22 which operates
from Centar to Volkovo, in the vicinity of the Gjorche Petrov policlinic.
Source of information: MoI’s daily newsletter, electronic media outlet sportklub.mk, iportal.mk
Victim(s) involved: one underage person.
Type of crime(s): Violence (Article 386, CC), Bodily injury (Article 130, CC)
Perpetrator(s): several unknown perpetrators, 2 persons have been identified.
Brief description of the event with bias indicators: In this incident, the bias motive is ethnicity, while the
bias indicators are:
1. Difference in ethnicity – the victim was of Macedonian ethnicity and was a member of the supporter group
Komiti, while the attackers were allegedly of the Albanian ethnicity and members of the supporter group
2. Pattern of previous incidents – conflict situations and clashes between supporter groups of different
3. Location – the incident took place on board bus. 22, while it was transiting through the residential area
of Gjorche Petrov.

Status of the case: Unknown.
Response of the local authorities: By the time this report was finished, there was no response from MoI.
By the time this report was finished, there was no response from MoI.( We got a response from MoI in January
2019, the case has been recorded as a violation under LVPOP, and a notification has been submitted to PPO)
Impact on the victims and the community: This incident calls into question the ethnic co-existence of the
two major ethnic communities in the country.

Gjorce Petrov, Skopje, North Macedonia
Location Name
city bus number 22, which traffic on the route Center - Volkovo

Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
Perpetrators identified
Type of incident?
Physical attack (assault) Violence
Incident location
Other public location
How did the police react?
They investigated the incident They caught the perpetrator
Have there been similar incidents / crimes in the same location?
17-year-old youth stabbed in a bus, he was a member of the Komiti supporter group image

Criminal offences

Against Life and Body
Bodily Injury
Against the Public Order
Against the State
Causing national, racial or religious hate, discord and intolerance


Nationality Ethnic origin