What happened: The night between 29.03 and 30.03.2019, unknown perpetrators robbed the church in the
village of Vratnica, Tetovo, stealing the copper roof and jewellery. The case was reported to SEI Tetovo, and
measures are being taken to solve it.
Date, time and place of incident: The night between 29.03 and 30.03.2019, village Vratnica, Tetovo.
Source of information: MOI’s daily newsletter, vecer.press.
Victim(s) involved: No victims.
Type of crime(s): Damage to Objects of Others (Article 243, CC or RNM).
Perpetrator(s): One perpetrator.
Brief description of the event with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is religion and religious
beliefs, with the bias indicators being:
1. Religion – the perpetrator belongs to a different religion;
2. Pattern of previous incidents – religious objects have been previously destroyed in such manner;
3. Location – similar cases have been registered previously in this part of the country.
Status of case: Unknown.
Response of the local authorities: On 09.05.2019, criminal charges were pressed against an unknown
perpetrator before the PPPO Tetovo for the criminal offence “Burglary” pursuant to Article 236 from CC of
Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in
the country and the co-existence among members of different religions in society.