What happened: Four minors, dressed in black hooded sweatshirts, in front of a building on “Blagoja
Toska” Street in Tetovo, attacked a 16-year-old boy and broke his nose with fi sts.
Date, time and location of the incident: 12 February, around 13:00, in front of a building on “Blagoja
Toska” Street in Tetovo.
Source of information: Daily Newspaper “Vest”.
Victim(s) involved: One minor.
Type of the crime(s): Violence (Article 386, CC), Participation in a Fight (Article 132, CC), Bodily injury
(Article 130, CC).
Perpetrator(s): A group of 4 unknown minors.
Brief description of the incident with bias indicators: In this incident, the bias motive is ethnicity,
nationality or language and the bias indicators are:
1. Assumed difference in ethnicity – the incident took place in an area inhabited by people of a different
2. Nature of the violence – it was a public incident.
Status of the case: Filed criminal charges against unknown perpetrators with the Public Prosecutor’s
Offi ce – Tetovo for the criminal act “Heavy bodily injury”.
Response of Local Authorities: In MOI’s response to the Committee’s request for public information
regarding this incident, it is stated that SIA Tetovo submitted the criminal charges against unknown
perpetrators to the Public Prosecutor’s Offi ce – Tetovo for the criminal act “Heavy bodily injury”.
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This incident calls into question the ethnic coexistence
between the two largest communities in the country.