What happened: Three young gay males (one of which is a minor), on three or four occasions were
verbally harassed and threatened by members of the security and cleaning service of the Skopje
Trade Center. The part of the Trade Center where the treats occurred is a location commonly known
as LGBT cruising area. On one occasion, one member of the security service said “Faggot, we’ll
remove your liver!”.
Date, time and location of the incident: April-May (more than one occasion), City Trade Center,
Source of information: interview with the victim.
Victim(s) involved: Three young gay males (one of which is a minor).
Type of the crime(s): Endangerment of Safety (Art.144).
Perpetrator(s): Five perpetrators in total – two members of the security service, and three members
of the cleaning service.
Brief description of incident with bias indicators: The bias motive in this incident is the sexual
orientation of the victim, and the bias indicators in this incident are:
1. Victim perception – the victim perceives this incident as hate crime.
2. Location – The incident occurred on location commonly known as LGBT cruising area.
3. Nature of violence – the incident was carried out in public.
4. Lack of other motives.
Status of the case: Unreported (victim’s choice).
Response of local authorities: N/A
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This type of incidents brings into question the general security
situation of sexual minorities in the society, especially on locations where they are known to frequent.