What happened: In the village of Plasnica, during a rally organized by the political party DUI, when the
motorcade moving from the village of Lisichani to the village of Plasnica via the village of Preglovo,
arrived near the headquarters of DUI in the centre of the village, several shots were fired, most
probably from a pistol, from moving vehicles. The same night, at around 20.00, in the village of
Lisichani, during the address of the Mayor of the village of Plasnica at the rally, an unknown person
fired several shots.
Date, time and location of the incident: 12 October, 20:50, party headquarters of the political party
DUI in the village of Plasnica.
Source of information: MoI daily bulletin.
Victim(s) involved: Apart from material damage, there were no victims in this incident.
Type of crime(s): Damage to Objects of Others (Article 243, CC), Creating General Danger (Article
288, CC)
Perpetrator(s): Unknown.
Brief description of the event with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is political
affiliation or political conviction, and the bias indicators are:
1. Target location – the target location was the headquarters of a political party
2. Time of the incident – directly prior to the shooting near the headquarters of the political party DUI,
the Mayor of the village of Plasnica addressed the attendants of the rally, during the course of which
an unknown person fired several shots.
3. Pattern of previous incidents – this incident was preceded by previous incidents from the previous
days, when the party headquarters of the political parties VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, DPSM, BESA and
DUI were damaged.
Status of the case: Not registered.
Response of the local authorities: The MoI’s response to the MHC request for public information
regarding these incidents stated that such incidents were not registered by the Ministry.
Impact on the victim(s) and the community: This incident has negative financial implications on the
political party and causes security concerns in the community it operates.