What happened: On 28.03.2019, around 7:50 p.m., police officers from the Sector for Internal Affairs –
Tetovo detained Ž.G. (46) from the village of Brvenica, Tetovo, on Todor Cipovski-Mergjan Street in Tetovo,
who on the same day, around 3:00 p.m. posted a video on Facebook with threatening contents. Ž.G. was
detained at the Police Station Tetovo, and proper charges are going to be pressed against him once the
case is completely documented.
Date, time and place of incident: 28.03.2019, around 7:.50 p.m., Facebook, Tetovo.
Source of information: MOI’s daily newsletter.
Victim(s) involved: No victims.
Type of crime(s): Endangering the Safety (Article 144, CC of RNM).
Perpetrator(s): One perpetrator.
Brief description of the event with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is ethnicity, with the bias
indicators being:
1. Ethnicity – the victim and attackers belonged to a different ethnic community;
2. Pattern of previous incidents –Social media are often a platform for messages with threatening
Status of case: Unknown.
Response of the local authorities: On 01.04.2019, criminal charges were pressed against Ž.G. (46) from
the village of Brvenica, Tetovo before the PPPO Tetovo for the criminal offence “Endangering the Safety”
pursuant to Article 144 from CC of RNM. The criminal offence was qualified as a hate crime.
Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in
the country and the co-existence among different ethnic groups in society.