What happened: On 20.09.2020, at 11:00 p.m., at the Police Station Shuto Orizari, a parent reported that his 17-year old son was physically assaulted by a 21-year old male
Brief description of the incident with bias indicators: In this incident the bias motive is the assumed ethnic origin because the minor spoke a language different from the one of the perpetrator, with the bias indicators being:
- Language – the victim and the attacker spoke a different language;
- Skin colour – the victim was assaulted because he had a different skin colour from the perpetrator;
- Ethnic origin – the victim and the perpetrator belonged to a different ethnic community;
- Location – Shuto Orizari is a municipality populated by diverse ethnicities and similar incidents have been previously registered.
Impact on the victims and the community: These types of incidents call into question the general safety in the country and aggravate the ethnic polarization, leading to an additional increase in hate crimes caused by different political affiliation.
Number of victims
Number of Perpetrators
Status of the case
Under investigation
Type of incident?
Physical attack (assault)